
The New Red Raven Blue T-Shirt



Here is a closer look...


The Back

The over all dimensions are, 12" X 10.5"

The Front

Located ether on the left sleeve or left breast

It's dimensions as 4.5" X 2.5 "

Sorry... This T-Shirt is not yet in production. This is a test page to demonstrate a T-Shirt design for Squeegee Printers of Canaan, VT. These are the folks to call for all of your Silk-screening and Embroidery needs.

If I receive enough feedback from people interested in this design, and get the resources to make it a reality, who knows, maybe someday you will be able to have your own Red Raven Blue T-Shirt.

If you have any comments please feel free to contact me at

All designs are the property of Red Raven Blue

 ©2001-2005 Red Raven Blue ASCAP
All Rights Reserved
Web Page Design by Red Raven Blue
